Sonntag, August 26, 2007

What the world needs now...

I was listening to the radio the other day, and a commercial came on that really got me. Weird, I know, but keep reading. Now I am your typical English-speaking type and I don't understand German radio. So my only option is the Armed Forces Network. Needless to say, a commercial for Army Chaplains comes on. The story goes along these lines... Two Protestant Ministers, a Catholic Priest, and a Jewish Rabbi were on a boat. (Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, but bear with me.) The boat collided with a reef and began sinking fast. The Chaplains took charge and helped get all passengers aboard into life-jackets and lifeboats. When the life-jackets ran out, they selflessly gave up their own. When the lifeboats were filled, the men stayed behind so others could be saved. As the ship went down, they were seen holding hands and singing hymns. Wow. That is pretty heavy stuff. There was no arguing over who had the correct theology, who was getting to Heaven the fastest, who God listened to more... Nothing. They just came together and did what needed to be done. I think this is an example of how we all should be living.
I stumbled upon this blog the other day, and I was blown away. How on earth can we proclaim Gods' love for all when we can't even love or respect others who may have different views??? I am not saying that we should just agree with everyone and never speak up, but I am saying that we should stop and listen to what other people have to say. I am tired of hearing us put down others 'in the name of the Lord'. Where did we get that authority? I know we are human. I know we make mistakes and we screw things up, but maybe it isn't as complicated as we make it out to be. Love God and love people. Hmm. Sounds pretty simple. So when that one person who you find really annoying and you would rather punch in the face than help them without expecting anything in return, try it. It just might make their day better, and *gasp* help you to start living out what you hear on Sunday mornings. This is totally a lesson I need to learn. A lot of the time I just complain about things that seem like a huge deal, but in reality they are not. I need to stop complaining and start serving. I'll let you know how it is going...